Cocker Spaniel - Is a Cocker Spaniel Puppy Right For You and Your Family?
Cocker spaniels are beautiful dogs with big floppy ears and dark eyes. They have a heart of gold, and they want to please their owner. Originally, cocker spaniels were bred to hunt woodcocks. But today, they make the perfect house pets.
Cocker Spaniel Characteristics Summary
Breed: Cocker Spaniel
Energy Level: Energetic
Exercise Requirements: At least 1 hour every day / spread out through the day
Height: 13.5 -15.5 inches
Hypoallergenic: No
Lifespan: 10-14 years
Maintenance: High
Recommended for: Active Families
Social/Attention Needs: Moderate to High
Temperament: Outgoing, Smart, Gentle, Happy, Friendly
Tendency to Bark: High
Tendency to Dig: Low
Tendency to Drool: Low
Tendency to Snore: Low
Weight: 20-30 pounds
Cocker Spaniel Body Characteristics
Cocker spaniels are reasonably sized dogs with long shiny coats. They are beautiful and athletic. Male cocker spaniels can get up to 15.5 inches in height. Females can have a height of up to 14 inches. A full-grown cocker spaniel should weigh between 20-30 pounds.
Cocker spaniels come in many different colours and patterns. They have a soft, thick coat that needs to be groomed regularly. They are high-maintenance dogs that require a lot of attention and exercise.
Cocker Spaniel Temperament
Cocker spaniels are friendly dogs that are outgoing and happy. They are smart and like to please their owners. They make fantastic house pets and are great with people of all ages. With proper training, they also get along well with other pets. However, since they were bred to hunt birds, they do not get along with them.
The cocker spaniel enjoys taking part in family activities. It does not matter if you are taking a walk, playing in the yard, or napping, they want to be with you.
Since cocker spaniels are so friendly, they do not make good watchdogs. They do bark a lot, so this may be a deterrent to burglars.
Cocker spaniels have long fur that requires constant grooming and haircuts. Their fur will easily mate if it is not taken care of regularly. To make it easier to care for their fur, you may consider a “puppy cut.” The groomer will cut all the fur to the same length, except the ears. The fur on their ears is often kept long.
Haircuts should be scheduled every 6-8 weeks. Brushing should be done daily. They should be bathed once to twice a week with high-quality shampoo. And their ears need to be cleaned at least once a week.
Cocker spaniels are athletic dogs that require regular exercise. They should be walked at least 30 minutes twice a day. They also need time to play and release energy.
Do not overfeed your cocker spaniel. They should weigh no more than 30 pounds. It is recommended that you feed a cocker spaniel 1.5 to 2.5 cups of premium dry food every day. Do not feed them table scraps or a lot of treats. They have a large appetite and can easily become overweight. They are also prone to food allergies.
Cocker Spaniel Appearance
Cocker spaniels are small dogs that are muscular. Their cots are often silky and long. Their large dark eyes are the epitome of puppy eyes. They have large, floppy ears that are susceptible to infection.
Male cocker spaniels reach a height of 14.5 - 15.5 inches and weigh 25-30 pounds. Females are 13.5 - 14.5 inches and weigh 20-25 pounds.
Their teeth need to be cleaned regularly. Cocker spaniels are notorious for having serious dental problems. Dental disease can lessen the lifespan of a cocker spaniel by one to three years.
Cocker spaniels are active dogs and are not the best pet for all families. They require a lot of attention and need to be groomed regularly. The trips to the groomer can add up quickly and are not always cheap.
A small apartment is not always the best choice for a cocker spaniel unless you can get them outside frequently and there is a park nearby. Cocker spaniels are well suited for homes that have a large yard where they can run and play.
Since cocker spaniels were bred as hunting dogs, it is not a good idea to leave them unattended outdoors. They will bark a lot and dig. They will also chase an animal if given the opportunity. When outside and not in a fenced in yard, they should be kept on a leash.
Cocker Spaniel Trainability
Training a cocker spaniel requires a lot of patience. They are a sensitive breed that does not react well to negative treatment. To get them to learn and listen, use positive reinforcements such as treats.
Cocker spaniels are notorious for spotting indoors when they are nervous or excited. They also bark a lot. It is important that you address these issues early. You will need to be patient with them until they learn.
Cocker Spaniel Health Problems
Cocker spaniels are mostly healthy dogs. But just as with any other breed, they are susceptible to certain health problems.
· Allergies
A lot of dogs have allergies. These are often treated with medication and a special diet.
· Eye problems
If your cocker spaniel has red eyes or begins rubbing their face a lot, they need to be seen by their vet right away.
· Hypothyroidism
Just as with humans, a cocker spaniel can have thyroid issues. Hypothyroidism is often treated with a special diet and medication.
· Canine Hip Dysplasia
Hip dysplasia is an irregular formation of the hip socket. It is often inherited from the parents.
· Patellar Luxation
This is when the knee joint slides out of place. It is a painful condition that can be crippling.
· Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
Cocker spaniels are prone to AIHA. It is a condition that causes the dog’s immune system to attack its own blood cells.
· Primary Seborrhea
Primary Seborrhea is a skin condition that can cause scaling, excessive greasiness, and a foul smell. The condition can be treated with medicated baths and medication.
· Idiopathic Epilepsy
This is usually an inherited condition. If your dog ever experiences a seizure, see a vet right away.
Breeding Cocker Spaniels
Before breeding cocker spaniels, you should have their bones and blood tested. This will help determine if there are any underlying diseases or conditions.
No female cocker spaniel should be bred more than three or four times in her lifetime. They should not be bred until they are at least two years old. And they should never be bred after the age of seven.
Cocker Spaniel Puppies
Cocker spaniel puppies are affectionate and always ready to play. You can easily teach them tricks since they are highly treat motivated. They are known for being mischievous. So, it is important they are not left alone where they can get into anything they should not.
As soon as you see them being malicious, correct them immediately. However, do not use a harsh voice or be physical with them. They are very sensitive, and they will not take well to being corrected harshly.
History of Cocker Spaniel
It is believed that the cocker spaniel originated in Spain. It was originally bred as a hunting dog. The dogs were used by hunters before the rifle was even invented. The dogs would flush out woodcocks and the hunters would catch the birds with nets.
Over the years, the Spaniel has been broken into different groups. Now there are several breeds including the English Springer Spaniel, English Toy Spaniel, and the Cocker Spaniel. In 1984, according to the AKC, the cocker spaniel was the number one breed.
Although the cocker spaniel was bred as a hunter, it is now more often raised as a treasured family pet. They are sweet dogs that love attention and are great with kids and the elderly.