Savannah cats were never allowed into Australia and official legislation went through in 2008 specifically banning them from being imported.
Savannah Cats Australia owned by Glenn Parker sought $2 million in compensation from the Australian Government for his financial losses on his project to import 14 Savannahs into Australia. The reason for their banning was the fear that they might escape into the wild and breed with other wild cats to create a giant killer cat that would destroy the native wildlife.
Savannah Cats in Australia 2008 With The Looks of a Cheetah
The newest ‘must have’ cat breed is finally on its way to the cat lovers here in Australia. A Queensland based company, Savannah Cats Australia are introducing the Savannah cat into Australia.
The Savannahs that you can purchase here are F5 generation and up. F5 means that they are five generations removed from the African Serval, the wild ancestry the Savannah cat is derived from.
These playful and attentive cats have been likened to an easy to raise dog, one that follows its owner around and can even be trained to fetch and walk on a lead.
The Savannah is a larger breed cat that was first recognised by TICA (The Interenational Cat Association), the governing body for cat standards world wide in 1997.
Glenn and Carly have secured an SBT (Stud Book Tradition) Savannah Male as part of their breeding program, a SBT means that the kitten has three or more generations of guaranteed Savannah to Savannah parentage.
Having had years of experience the Savannah kittens produced from the A1 Savannah cattery are said to be amongst the best in the world, they are the leaders in Savannah breeding and were the first to breed a fertile F5 Male, which in Savannah breeding terms was unheard of until A1 Savannahs broke through that barrier as they did when breaking through the SBT barrier.
The Savannah has a playful and energetic personality, requiring attention from their owner and when this attention is received the owner is rewarded with a companion with benefits who will be forever trying to please.
At a recent Animal Expo on the Gold Coast, Glenn and Carly of Savannah Cats Australia, met with Dr Harry Cooper, Australia’s favourite TV Vet, to discuss the arrival of the Savannah cat breed into Australia.
Dr Harry was ‘overjoyed at this new breed introduction into Australia’
Dr Harry had “…seen Servals in the wild and was able to get up close to a wild African Serval to experience the exhilaration that these wild animals command, and to have its ancestry breed down to a domesticated cat and introduced here in Australia is fantastic.”
Photos credit to Kathrin Stucki.
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