Garden ponds have become very popular in the last ten years or so. Housing fish such as goldfish, tropical and sub-tropical fish outdoors is fun, exciting, relaxing, and provides wonderful scenery. A community tank is beautiful, but a well maintained, outdoor pond full of fish can be absolutely breath taking.
A pond can be a delight to the owner whether it is half of a wine barrel, a shell from the store, or a cemented pond with thousands of litres of water.
Regardless of size, ponds allow the hobbyist to be creative with exciting landscaping ideas like aquatic plants. Water lilies, hyacinths, water lettuce and even marginal plants like cattails and water irises can become a work of art.
In some cases the fish in the aquatic hobbyists’ pond are secondary to the plants. Water lilies, for example, are available in hundreds of different colours, sizes and leaf shapes.
Hardy lilies and tropical lilies, as well as day or night-blooming lilies, all offer themselves as paints to be used on the canvas of the outdoor fish pond.
Don’t be surprised if local wildlife starts to appear in your new masterpiece. Frogs and tadpoles can be introduced by the hobbyist or may show up on their own. Freshwater clams and mussels (though not likely to make the trip on their own) are often brought by ducks and other birds that feed on and relocate various items from other locations they have visited.
Keeping the environment of ponds clean and healthy has never been easier since the advent of biological filtration, and the availability of preparations to maintain and treat water and environmental conditions for aquatic life and plants. The Aristopet Aqua Master range of pond products have been developed in Australia for Australian conditions to treat or prevent adverse water conditions and maintain fish health.
Like indoor tanks, backyard ponds bring the great outdoors up close for your enjoyment. Feeding fish, observing other wildlife and plant life can provide a therapeutic as well as educational atmosphere. In addition to watching your fish enjoy the home you’ve created for them, imagine the sound of a waterfall or chirping frogs. The pleasures of an outdoor pond are limitless.
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